Test and Notebook Quiz Instructions

Receiving the Chapter Test and Notebook Quiz:

The Chapter Test and Notebook Quiz are posted in a Parents’ Showbie page on the day they are assigned.

A parent prints the Chapter Test and the Notebook Quiz when the student is ready to take them. Students should never have access to the test or quiz outside of a proctored setting–before, during, or after the test.

Proctoring the Chapter Test and Notebook Quiz:

A parent must proctor each student for both the test and quiz.  This means a parent must be in the same room as the student and ensure that the student is doing his own work.  It should go without saying that a student writes his own answers on the test with no outside assistance.  The proctoring parent must sign the test and quiz and note any test rules that were broken if necessary. If a parent is not available to proctor the student, please email info@libertytutorials with a request to use a different adult as the proctor.

Taking the Chapter Test:

Either the Chapter Test or the Notebook Quiz may be taken first, and they may be taken at different times or on different days.

There is no time limit for a Chapter Test, but each must be completed in one sitting. The beginning and ending times must be noted on the test. If an unforeseen or unavoidable interruption occurs, please note that on the test and ensure the student has no access to study materials during the interruption.

Chapter Tests are closed book and closed notes. Students may use a calculator or other resources only as specified on the test.

Students are encouraged to use any review documents or definitions made available by the teacher when preparing for a test.

Taking the Notebook Quiz:

There is no time limit for a Notebook Quiz, but each must be completed in one sitting. If an unforeseen or unavoidable interruption occurs, please note that on the quiz and ensure the student has no access to the homework notebook during the interruption.

Notebook Quizzes are closed textbook.  Students will need to use their notebooks.

On the Notebook Quizzes students may write only their final answers since only the final answers are graded.  If students have corrected their work, they should provided the corrected answers–not their original, wrong answers.  Correcting the homework is part of the learning process, and this is not cheating.

Submitting the Chapter Test and Notebook Quiz:

Parents submit tests as outlined in Submission Policies.